onsdag den 13. marts 2013



Last week the "Cross Culture" class went to Barcelona, to visit our Spanish friends school “IPSI”! It was a good travel, and the weather was perfect, most of the time! We had a couple of rainy days, but from Wednesday and to Saturday we had 20 degrees and sun every day!
We've experienced Park Güell, La Sagrada Família, Grazia, Catalonia, FC Barcelona museum and stadium and lots of other places! We've experienced something new and interesting every day, and we've been walking a lot!! 

The best thing about the trip, was to meet my Spanish girl Alba! She was very kind, and good to talk with. We went to visit their school "IPSI", where we joined the different English classes. When we were done at the school, we took to the FC Barcelona museum, which was very cool.

My friend Isabella and I, have been taking almost a thousand pictures in "Park Güell"

My roomie Line and I, were enjoying the sun! 

We went shopping with our new Spanish friends at Saturday, just before we were going home. It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed talking with them! I'm going to miss them a lot. 

- Jennie.

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