lørdag den 9. februar 2013

Some pictures from my life!

I've notest that i haven't really been writing about me..... So here's some pictures from my life!

 Me and my littlesister 
My sweet freinds from Holstebro!
My dog
My roomie Malene and me! 
My other roomie Line and me!
Skiingtrip with the school! Me in the lift
My sisters and me on vaccation to Malta, i'm the little girl to the right
Good freinds! 
Me with my "Springbuck" in Southafrica!
Me in Suthafrica, with the Springbucks blood in my face! 
My beautiful littlesister!  
Me with the flag at competetion in gymnastics! 
Me doing gymnastics
Me doing gymnastics
Me in Italy with my gymnastic team! 
My freinds and I in Italy!
Jump! Me to the left...
Me and my gymnastic "partner" Freja
Me and a lion cub! 
Me and my best freind on vaccation to Mallorca together! 


Well.... I have a lot of pictures to share with you! 

- Jennie