lørdag den 1. december 2012

OSO - Thursday

Last week all the 10'th graders at my school, have been working on a assignment, where we had to tell about what we want to work with some time. I love animals, and i think it's very exiting to learn how to cure animals. Thats why i would love to be an veterinary doctor. We should try to illustrate what we want to be, and then we should try to "sell" our job. I had my dog Laika with me, and i did a health chek on her.

- Jennie. 

I love Southafrica!

The reason i picked "Cross Culture" as my class at Venoe residential school, is that i love to learn about other cultures! The best thing i kan think of, is traveling, to experience  new cultures and new countries.

For about a year ago i travelled to the amazing Southafrica! It was the best experience i've ever had, and I will never forget it. We were travelling for two weeks, and we went on safari every day, to hunt the exiting Southafrican animals. I shot an Springbuck, and my dad shot a Blessbuck, a Empala, a Steinbuck and some other animals, that i can't remember the names of. One of the last days at the trip, we went to a culture village  called Lesedi. It was so exiting! We heard about four different Southafrican cultures, and one of them was among other cultures the Zulus! We heard about their traditions and how they live, for example  they can buy their wifes with cow or horses and a man can have all the wifes he want to, but there will always be  the "first wife" who has more power than the other wifes.

On one of the walls in the village, there was written a sentence that i thought was very inspiring.

A man without culture,
 is like a zebra without stribes

Here are some more fotos from the culture village - Lesedi

I am definitely going to Southafrica again! And I will truly recommend this trip to everyone! 
- Jennie.