tirsdag den 2. oktober 2012

The weekend


This weekend I've been at my boardingschool, because we had some events on the school.
 Saturday we had a parentsday, where our parents came to the school. They should follow us for a day, to get an idea of our life at the school, and what we're doing at the adventure class. My mom and I were rowing in a canoe, and we were climbing on the schools climbingwall. My mom thought, that the climbing was best. She was shaking when she came down from the wall, because she was so scared. She said that she had an adrenaline rush up there.

 Sunday there were "boardingschools day" and we got a lot of visiters to our school. "Boardingschool day" is a day, were we're showing our school, to (maybe) new students. I was one of the guides, and I showed 4 people around, but I've heard that we had 200 to 300 visitors. Sunday we were showing our upcoming class, it's a class for writers, were you're learning how to write your own book.

- Jennie