fredag den 28. september 2012

My latest experiences


I've experienced a lot, the last two weeks! I've rappelled, my school helped the police to practise how to handle school shootings and I've been on a three days trip with my adventure class.

For about two weeks ago, we took a bus to another city, to rappel from a building that's 42 metres tall! It was one of the most frightening things I've ever tried, but i did it, and it was so exiting!

A nother day a lot of policemen came to our school, to practise how they would handle a schoolshooting. The students should play panicing and scared kids, and we should try to stress the police as much as possible! It was really funny, and all the students thought that it was interesting to play scared! By the end of the day, we talked with the teachers and the police, and we agreed that we all had a nice day.

In the end of the two weeks, we were on a trip with my adventure class.We started our trip with a Kayak tour, the next day we took on another trip with the canoe, and we slept in tents and made food over the fire.

That's was all i had to say for now.
- Jennie